Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Birth of BOUJIE ME Accessories

The Birth of 
Boujie Me Accessories

In case you guys didn't know about a year ago I decided to start my own business by the name of 'So Boujie'. Eventually (after many debates with my mom and bestfriends) I made the decision to change the name to Boujie Me, and the rest is history. 

So let me rewind a bit and tell you how this idea came about. In November of 2014 I got a job at AMC Theaters. At first I absolutely loved working there. I had been dreaming of a job at the movie theater since I was a high school student. But, what I didn't realize was it was more than just ripping tickets and showing patrons to their seats. 

They don't tell you about the dreaded usher crew shift. You know those people that come in after you've enjoyed movie and clean up? The people that clean up all the popcorn you spilled on the floor from laughing way too hard at the new Kevin Hart movie. Or the drinks that you're two year old spilled from her kiddy pack, and you were just too lazy to pick it up yourself. Or my favorite, the "I snuck my own food in, but I'm gonna leave the evidence behind" crew. 

It was then that I realized a minimum wage, dead end job was not for me. That very day I walked up to one of my coworkers and told him we needed to find a side hustle. Then we could turn that side hustle into an everyday hustle which would eventually turn into a lucrative business. 

"What are you thinking about selling?" he asked. Cell phone cases, was my response. Yes, can you believe it? I tried selling phone cases. The thought process behind it was genius. Or so I thought. Apparently college students would rather purchase phone cases for cheap off Amazon. And really, who can blame them? 

So, it was then that I began thinking of something that I could sell that you couldn't find anywhere else. Sunglasses. Now I know you're thinking, "what is she talking about? You can find sunglasses anywhere?" But not these. I take regular or sometimes unique sunglasses and make them my own. 

This was the first pair of glasses I ever made. 

When I first designed this pair I honestly thought it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen. But, it's funny how people see things in you that you don't even see in yourself. If you have a dream, chase it. If you're passionate about something, don't stop until you get it. 

I've had so many fails and set backs when it came to jump starting a business. But, they were all learning experiences and I'm forever grateful for them. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. 

Click out my Facebook page here. &Follow me on Instagram.

Just a few client/bestfriend selfies (:

Stay classy, Stay true,

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