Wednesday, February 24, 2016

TOP 5 Swimsuits for Spring Break 2016!

Top 5 Swimsuits
for Spring Break 2016

Guess what ladies?! February is quickly coming to an end which can only mean one thing... SPRING BREAK IS RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER! Now while there are many Spring Break essentials that you need to make this years break one of a kind; there's one thing you CANNOT, WILL NOT, and absolutely under no circumstances, SHALL NOT forget. Your swimsuit! 

If you're anything like me then you've already broke out the cases of water and began working on your swimsuit body way back at the beginning of last week. (Perfect timing right?) And if you're even more like me, you began searching for the perfect swimsuit way back on January 1st. Besides, nothing says "hello Spring" like the perfect bikini right? 

So let's just say that you didn't start searching for that one of a kind swimsuit. Fret not, I am here to help!  I've come up with a list of my favorite swimsuits from Resort 16 Miami Swim Week, and if these suggestions don't help you determine which swimsuit is right for you, well then Jesus be with you! 

The Cut-Out Bandage Two-Piece
Photo credit:

The bandage swimsuit is a trend we've seen around for quite some time now. It's simple, yet sexy. There isn't much that needs to be done to this swimsuit, because it stands out on it's own. The only suggestion I would make is paring it with a floral kimono. Also, for cheaper swimsuit alternatives, try websites such as and

Giving Me the Cold Shoulder
Photo Credit:
If there's one thing I learned about 2016 trends, it's that cold shoulders are the new 'black'. Nothing says sassy and sweet like a cold shoulder with a little bit of ruffles. This swimsuit is by Tori Praver, so it's a little on the expensive side. The good news? You can find cheaper alternatives at Target, 6pm, and Dillards. 

Aztec/Tribal Print
Photo credit: Aliexpress
Aliexpress is probably the holy grail of cheap swimsuits. No, really! I've bought many swimsuits from them in my day and haven't paid a cent over $13. They do ship from China so the shipping time is about 2 weeks, depending on where in the U.S. you live. Also, keep in mind that the sizes do run smaller. Whereas I wear a medium in the U.S., I wear a large over there. Back to the specifics though, this is a really unique swimsuit trend that I can definitely see taking over the beaches this Spring Break! 

The Sheer One-Piece
Photo credit:
This swimsuit is classy with a hint of sexy. I love this modern spin on the one-strap, classic one-piece. I think this is a great way to stay covered if you're not too confident with showing your midsection, but it also allows you to be flirty, fun, and sexy. This swimsuit can also be found at which offers a variety of affordable swimwear. 

Bold, Strappy, and Sexy
Photo credit:
All the sexiness of a two-piece packed into a royal blue one-piece? Somebody pinch me, cause I've got to be dreaming! I saved this swimsuit for last because it is my absolute favorite. I can remember my first monokini, and my, my have they evolved since then. This swimsuit is grown and sexy. (Which is everything a swimsuit should be.) I found this gem at goJane, but I can guarantee you all the sites I've mentioned above have it. Pair this with a plain kimono, a daring gold head piece, or just simply wear as it. You'll be sure to turn heads. 

So now you guys have seen my Top 5 swimsuits for Spring Break. Now, GO SHOP!!!!

stay classy, stay true,

Girls Go to College to Get More KNOWLEDGE !

Girls Go to College
To Get More Knowledge

I cannot express how important it is to receive higher education.  I cannot express how important it is to be an educated woman in this world. Gone are the days were women are housewives and stay-at-home moms. Welcome to the days where women can band together and become successful entrepreneurial businesswomen. 

From the time I started college I knew I wouldn't graduate with the people I started with. My first day of orientation they told us, "Look to your left, now look to your right. The people you're sitting next to right now probably won't be here next semester." That statement could not have rang more true. 

By the time my second semester of college rolled around I lost about three friends. By the time my second year of college came around all I had left were three friends. I realized pretty early on in my career that college was not a place to play around and party. I came to the understanding that college was a breeding ground and a learning experience. I've learned things in college that I could not have learned anywhere else. 

When God gives you knowledge he intends for you to share it with those around you. So that's exactly what I did. A good friend and I flew out to Chicago (courtesy of Steve Harvey) by ourselves to have a best friend intervention. About what you may ask? Well, higher education of course. (Check out the video here in case you missed it.) 

Unfortunately, Skylar did not return to Troy University, but I can guarantee you she will never forget the words of wisdom Mr. Harvey and I both bestowed upon her. 

I understand that most people don't think that college is for them. I understand that college is expensive. Trust me, I know first hand! I also get that you can learn, network, and prosper without going to college, but this is a time that you'll never forget. These are the years that shape and mold you into the person that you are to be. And in the words of Mr. Steve Harvey himself, "college is just showing [future employers] that you can start something and finish it." 

Are you aware that college sets you up with an instant network? If I hadn't been in school, it would be very hard for me to get where I am today. I currently work with my school's radio station as an on-air talent, and producer. Now, granted I could've walked into a studio and talked my way into a job, but God made it a little easier for me. My radio/TV teacher saw something in me that he and recommend me for the job. See what I mean about an instant network?

Also, did you know that currently the pay gap between persons holding a high school diploma versus a college degree is almost $20,000? So you mean to tell me that you're willing to possibly miss out on an extra $20,000 because you didn't want to pursue a college degree? Not only that, but now most potential employers require you to have a degree! 

(Check out rapper, Dee1's video about paying Sallie Mae back.)

But Kenya, college is too expensive! You're telling me?! I owe Sallie Mae almost $20,000 back in student loans already, but there are such things as loans, scholarships, and grants. Also, consider the fact that this degree will also allow you to find a good paying job which puts you in the position to pay back your student loans. 

Before you completely cross college off your list consider the pro's and con's. 

-lifelong friends
-experience like no other
-instant network
-preparation for the real world
-learning to live on your own
-professional/mentoring relationships
-hands on experience
-most employers require a degree

-sky high tuition
-student loans
-some people aren't ready
-you can network on your own
-early classes
-student meal plans

Well, as you can see, the pros definitely outweigh the cons. So before you just up and decide college isn't for you, consider these factors. Remember, if I can do it so can you! 

P.S. Graduation coming in May, JUST WAIT ON IT! 

stay classy, stay true,
xo Kenya

Thursday, February 18, 2016

KENYA FEEL WHY: It's Time We Had a Talk

It's Time We Had a Talk

I fought so hard with myself about this topic. I kept saying, "this is too grave of a subject to blog about", but God just wouldn't let me sleep without speaking on it. Suicide among young black men is on the rise. It's a hard truth no one wants to face, but it's happening and someone has to talk about it. 

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a die-hard August Alsina fan. I listen to all of his music no matter how depressing (as all the haters say) it may be. I was in the car listening to his song "Song Cry" today and one part in particular stood out to me. He says, 

"this moment mines for the taking
for all them nights I thought of suicide, contemplating" 

 Now, I've heard this song and that particular part plenty of times, but for some reason it really spoke to me today. I have heard one too many young black men tell me that they've thought of suicide.

 In fact, suicide rates among black youths is the highest it has been in the past 50 years with nearly a 30% increase. And that's not even the kicker, suicide rates among black children (ages 5-11) rose from 1.78 to 3.47 per 1 million between 1993 and 2012. Can you even fatham what those numbers would look like for teenagers or college aged males? This is serious and this is a problem. 

The black community has always frowned upon suicide. We've been brought up thinking  that suicide was a "white people" thing. That's not true. Regardless of skin color, we're all human. We all think, we all feel, we all hurt, and sadly enough we could all commit suicide. Nothing makes me more upset than the notion that black people don't commit suicide. 

Another thing that I believe contributes to rising suicide rates in black males is that we teach them not to have emotions. There is nothing wrong with feeling emotion or showing emotion. 

When you tell a boy that he can't cry or he's acting like a punk if he tries to voice his feelings then you are hindering him. We are human, we're designed to feel. When someone feels like they can't express themselves without being called out they retreat into themselves. They feel as if they have no one to turn to, no one to understand them, and they are all alone. In the end, they feel as if the only option is suicide. 

It's a sad fact that a mother would rather cuss her child out and tell him that "suicide isn't a black people thing" rather than actually hear him out and get him some help. We have to change. It's okay to cry! It's okay to feel! There is NOTHING wrong with expressing your emotions. There is nothing about your feelings that makes you less of a man. 

Black men are already being criminalized, gunned down in the streets, and robbed of their youths do we really want them taking their own lives as well? Suicide in the black community is a serious issue and we need to stop sweeping it under the rug. 

If you've had suicidal thoughts or you've actually attempted suicide please, please get help! This is not the end. Always try to remember it's a bad day, not a bad life. God has a purpose for you!

Don't try to take matters into your own hands. Pray, and seek help. Call the suicide hotline at 1-800-273-TALK(8255) or visit their website

I love you and it does get better from here,

To read more about suicide among young black males click the links below. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

I Work Hard 4 The Mula !

I Work Hard
for the Mula !

Although, I'm not a working woman yet, I have aspirations and determination to be. And as a young, black woman that wishes to be a successful entrepreneur and Radio/TV personality I understand that sometimes it may be hard to have a equal, prosperous relationship. 

There is an epidemic that is sweeping our nation, and it's the wave of the working woman. According to an article on, when it comes to Kickstarter, a funding platform for creative projects, women are more successful than men by 8%. That may have something to do with the fact that we are more likely to start something and actually finish it. 

But, back to the subject at hand. A blogger on, tells us "the median income of single women between the ages of 22 and 30 is now greater than the income of single men in that same age group in most cities throughout the country." 

This statistic alone could create a few problems when it comes to dating. Men like to feel superior and this fact could cause them to feel inferior. Men are taught to be the providers in relationships so when it comes to a woman earning more than them, well it can be a tad bit emasculating. But why?

Shouldn't men and women be allowed to date whoever they want regardless of economic status? Just because I make six figures doesn't mean I can't date a man who only makes five. I would like to assume that because men were taught to be providers that they cannot wrap their brains around the fact that women could possibly make more money than them. 

Men think it makes them less of a man if their significant other is making more than them, but that shouldn't be a problem. As a woman, I want to be able to make as much money as my other half, if not more. In this day and age women are becoming more independent and I think it's a wonderful thing. 

But, I cannot entirely fault the men in this. Sometimes women have more to do with the degrading of men than we care to admit. With money comes power, and some women let that get to their heads.  

How often do you hear a woman saying, "Oh girl he's broke? He doesn't have a job! He walks to work!" Too often. Now don't get me wrong, in no way do I condone men that have no vision or future, but some just get a later start than others. 

I'm no relationship expert but in order to make a relationship like this work, (or any relationship for that matter) you have to keep an open line of communication. Also, an open mind would probably be best. 

I think it is important for all young girls and women to understand that they are capable of doing anything a man can. Don't let what society thinks hold you back from chasing your dreams. Who says that a girl can't be a football player? Who says women can't run this country? And who says that a women can't make more money than a man without it being a problem?

But in the same token, you shouldn't emasculate him because you think he isn't on the same playing field as him. We are so caught up in gender roles in this society that it is so hard to break free of the norm. I understand that it would be nice to have a spouse that makes more money than you and takes care of you. But, I believe all women are super heroes they should embrace it. 
So what you make six figures and your husband makes five? That doesn’t make him any less of a man; it just makes you one phenomenal woman. 

stay classy, stay true

Thursday, February 4, 2016

The Birth of BOUJIE ME Accessories

The Birth of 
Boujie Me Accessories

In case you guys didn't know about a year ago I decided to start my own business by the name of 'So Boujie'. Eventually (after many debates with my mom and bestfriends) I made the decision to change the name to Boujie Me, and the rest is history. 

So let me rewind a bit and tell you how this idea came about. In November of 2014 I got a job at AMC Theaters. At first I absolutely loved working there. I had been dreaming of a job at the movie theater since I was a high school student. But, what I didn't realize was it was more than just ripping tickets and showing patrons to their seats. 

They don't tell you about the dreaded usher crew shift. You know those people that come in after you've enjoyed movie and clean up? The people that clean up all the popcorn you spilled on the floor from laughing way too hard at the new Kevin Hart movie. Or the drinks that you're two year old spilled from her kiddy pack, and you were just too lazy to pick it up yourself. Or my favorite, the "I snuck my own food in, but I'm gonna leave the evidence behind" crew. 

It was then that I realized a minimum wage, dead end job was not for me. That very day I walked up to one of my coworkers and told him we needed to find a side hustle. Then we could turn that side hustle into an everyday hustle which would eventually turn into a lucrative business. 

"What are you thinking about selling?" he asked. Cell phone cases, was my response. Yes, can you believe it? I tried selling phone cases. The thought process behind it was genius. Or so I thought. Apparently college students would rather purchase phone cases for cheap off Amazon. And really, who can blame them? 

So, it was then that I began thinking of something that I could sell that you couldn't find anywhere else. Sunglasses. Now I know you're thinking, "what is she talking about? You can find sunglasses anywhere?" But not these. I take regular or sometimes unique sunglasses and make them my own. 

This was the first pair of glasses I ever made. 

When I first designed this pair I honestly thought it was the ugliest thing I'd ever seen. But, it's funny how people see things in you that you don't even see in yourself. If you have a dream, chase it. If you're passionate about something, don't stop until you get it. 

I've had so many fails and set backs when it came to jump starting a business. But, they were all learning experiences and I'm forever grateful for them. Anything worth having is worth fighting for. 

Click out my Facebook page here. &Follow me on Instagram.

Just a few client/bestfriend selfies (:

Stay classy, Stay true,

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

KENYA FEEL WHY: What Other People Think of You ISN'T Your Business

What Other People Think of You
Isn't Your Business

If there's one thing Mean Girls taught us it's that not everyone is going to like, and not everyone is truly your friend. But guess what? Who cares? I for one don't, and you shouldn't either. What other people think about you isn't your business. 

Think about it this way. In life, everyone is going to have haters. What's a hater you ask? Urban dictionary will tell you here. Having haters is like one of the necessary evils of life. You don't want haters, because let's face it, at some point in time we all want to be liked. But, on the other hand you do want haters because in the words of Meek Mill, "if you ain't got no haters you ain't popping". 

Should you dwell on the fact that there's someone out there that doesn't like you or thinks negatively of you? Of course not. What you allow into your live will eventually control your life. By that I mean if you surround yourself with negative people, and dwell on the negative energy surrounding you eventually it will consume you. Spending too much time worried about what he, she, and the other things will tear down your confidence. 

A friend once told me that when it comes to negativity you have three choices. You can either 1, be like an egg. When you throw an egg to the ground it cracks and all it's contents spill out onto the ground. You can allow someone's negative comments to completely destroy you. 

Or you can choose option 2 and be an apple. See when you throw an apple to the ground and pick it up it appears undamaged on the outside. BUT, when you pull back that skin, you see that the apple is battered and bruised. You can choose to appear clean on the outside, but on the inside you're just as broken and bruised as the egg. 

Or you can pick option 3 which is my favorite. The tennis ball. When you throw a tennis ball to the ground guess what it does? IT BOUNCES RIGHT BACK UP! Can I get a witness? Just in case for some reason your eyes managed to skip over that last line I said, IT BOUNCES RIGHT BACK UP! You've got to be able to shake the negative energy off and keep going on about your day. 

You have no business worrying about what someone else thinks of you. It's what you think about yourself that matters the most. You guys may think I'm just a lonely college girl that blogs about meaningless topics, but as long as I see myself making a profession out of what I'm doing that's all that matters. The biggest mistake we make as humans is worrying about what other people think. 

Whether you're a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Catholic, an Atheist or etc. you're going to leave this Earth. And when you leave you're going to leave alone and you'll have to account for yourself and yourself only.  No one that ever mumbled a bad word about you is going to leave with you. In the end you have to answer for yourself and no one else. The opinions of others doesn't matter. 

When you hear someone speaking negativity over you turn a deaf ear to it. You have control over your life, don't allow it to be taken from you by consuming yourself with the opinions of others. Love yourself. 

Stay classy, Stay true,

P.S. since I've put you in the mood why don't you take a look at Mean Girls here? Let's just all collectively admit it's a girls guilty pleasure. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016



Okay so before we get started I just want to say that I live and die by these hacks. Like no seriously, I swear they work! I know for a fact I've been using them for at least four years and they've never let me down. I have tons and tons more, but for the sake of your eyes and my fingers I've narrowed them down to 8. Hopefully you'll get as much use and enjoyment out of them as I do! 

So let's get started (: 

1. No Shaving Cream? No problem. 
When my roommate first came to me with this hack I was like "there's absolutely no way that works". I've never been so wrong in my life! Before I came across Pure Silk shaving cream I honestly just used conditioner. It leaves your legs feeling so smooth and soft, OMG! I say everyone should try it at least once and see how they like it. My favorite conditioners are Herbal Essences: Hello Hydration and Shea Moisture's Raw Shea Butter line. 
(Click the names and it'll take you straight to the website to purchase them!) 

2. Brighten Up Those Eyes! 
Now this one is my go-to hack! I seriously never put on eye shadow without using my NYX Jumbo Milk Pencil. This thing seriously works wonders. It's especially great for those cheap drugstore eye shadows that aren't as pigmented as the more higher end brands. Also, guess what? The name is clickable so hit that link and head on over to ULTA to purchase your NYX pencil now! 
Photo credit: Roya Fadai

3. Get Rid of Those Bags...With Bags. 
This is another one of my favorite hacks. You guys know how much I love and swear by Green Tea. Well guess what! We're back for more. Green Tea serves a bunch of great purposes and this time we're using it to get rid of those under eye bags. If you're like me your eye bags are designer but you don't like being so flashy all of the time. So here's what you do: Take two tea bags and steep them in boiling water. (You know how you normally make tea.) Then, take them out and place them in a container of your choice. I chose a plate. Let them cool in the fridge for a few moments, maybe like 10 minutes. Once they've cooled wring out all the access water. Don't completely dry them though, leave them a little damp. Then, place over your eyes for 10-15 minutes. Voila! Au Revoir eye bags! 

4. Hard Knock... Feet? 
Ladies, this is a NO JUDGMENT ZONE so let's be real for a second. We can't always afford to run to the salon and the bi-weekly pedicure we all love and adore. Spending almost 8 hours on your feet approximately 5-6 days out of the week can take a toll on you. So, get rid of those hard feet with this at home beauty hack. Before bed, apply a layer of Vaseline to your feet and put on a pair of socks. When you wake in the morning your feet will be feeling soft and brand new! 

5. No Smudge, No Budge Lipstick
Another one of my favorite beauty hacks. Who hates smudgy lipstick? You know that awkward moment where you accidentally wipe your lip and it looks like you've just had a quickie in the bathroom at work? Yup, well I've found a way to get rid of that problem. First, line your lips. Second, apply concealer. Third, get a Kleenex and lightly dab translucent powder over your lips. Fourth, apply your lipstick. And there you have it, no more lipstick smudges. Try this with one of my current favorite lipstick lines, Colourpop! These lipsticks are amazingly cheap, but they do tend to smear a lot. Give this hack a try and tell me what you think.  

6. Flawless Wings
Do you want flawless wings? I mean Delta Airline wings? I'm talking about wings so sharp they'll cut you! If you've answered yes to all of these questions then keep reading! I really wish I would've known about this hack years ago because it literally took me forever to perfect it. Long story short, place a clear piece of tape right underneath your eye and just wing it. haha see what I did there? But, the picture is pretty much self explanatory so I'm just gonna drop it below. 
Photo credit: Loren & Lala 

7. Smile Bright with Whiter Teeth 
This is one of those hacks that have been around for ages. My father was actually the first person to introduce me to a whiter, brighter smile. The ingredients are quite simple: baking soda and peroxide. I fill a small Zip Lock baggie with baking soda, dip my toothbrush into it and then pour peroxide on it. Some people like to mix the two in a small bowl to make a paste. How you do it is completely up to you. You also have the option of finishing up with toothpaste or just brushing with the mixture alone. 

8. Get Rid of Those Blackheads
This is a problem that everyone has! Nothing makes me more upset than seeing those annoying little black heads pop up on my nose. This at home D-I-Y beauty hack will instantly remove them. Wash your face to open up your pores. Place a thin layer of Vaseline over your nose and cover with saran wrap. Place a warm towel over the saran wrap and hold for about 10 minutes. Wipe off with a clean towel and all of your blackheads should be gone. 

Let me know how these tips and tricks work for you! 
xo Kenya