Monday, May 16, 2016

Just Keep Swimming... Ya Feel Me?

Just Keep Swimming… Ya Feel Me?

The best decision I ever made in life was falling in love with Jesus. No, seriously… it is the best decision I ever made. Since I began spending more time with him and getting to know his word, I’ve had a much more positive outlook on life.

I used to be the one to cry about situations going wrong. I would shout, “woe is me”, “nothing good ever happens to me”, or “why me?” But, now I ask myself, “why NOT me?” Why not go through the trials and tribulations? Why not be able to pass the tests that God has placed before me? Because, you see, you have to go through the storm to be able to appreciate the rainbow at the end.

What you may deem a horrible situation, I deem a stepping stone for greatness. You see God takes us through things, because he is preparing us for the blessing that is to come.

Believe me when I say, your current situation is NOT your final destination. God has bigger and better things planned for you, you just have to get over a few bumps in the road first. We have to struggle to be able to appreciate God’s gifts.

I used to always say, “I wish I was rich” or “I wish I had what they had,” but now I realize what God has been doing all along. You see if I had a lot of money, or I had what other people had, I would not be able to appreciate the things God has already given to me. I wouldn’t be able to appreciate his future blessings either.

Everything happens for a reason, and that is what I am slowly starting to realize. I embrace my struggle, because I know my breakthrough is right around the corner. I now know that when I’m faced with a “bad” situation, God is only preparing me for a better one. Learn to dance in the rain. Learn to embrace your struggle. Learn to appreciate the small things in life. Know that this is only a test, and the best is yet to come.
Just Keep Swimming…

Stay classy, stay true
xo, Kenya