Thursday, January 21, 2016

KENYA FEEL WHY: Some Things Should Be Left to the Imagination

Some Things Should Be 
Left to the Imagination

The pictures above are of two completely different women. Now, before I go on I am in no way, shape, form, or fashion trying to "slut-shame" Lira Galore. It's her body and she's allowed to do what she wants with it. However, I personally do not agree with her style of dress.

But, what I do find to be pathetic and sad is the fact that Ayesha Curry caught so much hate from women, because she expressed her opinions on the way women today dress. Not once did she shame anyone or put anyone down. She simply stated that "everyone's into barely wearing clothes these days huh? Not my style. I like to keep the good stuff covered up for the one who matters". 

The simple fact that this caused an uproar is exactly what's wrong with this generation.

Women's bodies have been overly-sexualized for so long that they are starting to think dressing half naked is okay. It's not. There is nothing cute about walking around showing everything that should only be shown to your husband. My mother and I have a saying, "you campaign, you get elected". It basically means if you walk around showing off your assets, don't be upset when a man approaches you or makes the assumption that that's all you are. 

While I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting to be sexy, I do think there should be a limit. I'm a college senior, and like any other college student I like to party. I love to go out and have a good time with my friends, and I want to look damn good while I'm doing it. But there's a difference between showing a little cleavage, or a sexy split up the side and just completely baring it all. 

Guys want something to look forward to. If you're giving him everything he's looking for upfront then what does he have to work for? Nothing. What does he truly have to respect? Now let's be honest for a second. Say I'm having a conversation with a man and I'm wearing outfit A (the scandalous one) 9 times out of 10 he's going to be looking at my breasts or ass the entire conversation, and he's not going to take a single thing I say seriously. Now say I'm having a conversation with that same men, but this time I'm wearing outfit B. He's most likely going to take me a little more seriously, and actually listen to what I have to say. 

I like to look at things from a business perspective since I'm going into the professional world soon. It's already hard enough for women to get into the working environment and compete with men. We have to work twice as hard as they do, and we have to demand our respect. We should want to respected at all times no matter where we are, so we have to dress the part. 

The next time you decide to go out clubbing, or have a few drinks with your friends, remember this blog post. Give him a little sneak peek, and then leave him wondering...

love always,

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