Wednesday, July 8, 2015

KENYA FEEL WHY: It's Important to Embrace Your Struggle

KENYA FEEL WHY: It's Important to Embrace your Struggle? 

Often times we are placed in situations and we do not understand why. We feel as if our backs are against the wall, and we're in so deep that we cannot see a way out. It is completely normal to feel this way. But, what we must understand is that our current situation is not our final situation. We're faced with these problems because God is shaping and molding us into who he wants us to be. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, you just can't see it yet. 

Think of your problems as a storm. When it first begins raining you think, "Oh Lord, it's going to storm forever." But, as the storm progresses it gets worse. Once you find yourself in the middle of the storm, you think there's no way out because it's at it's absolute worse. See you may not be able to see the sun shining through the clouds during this time, but you know it is there. As the storm continues, it begins to die down, and you soon start to see the rays of sunshine coming through the clouds so you know it's almost over. Eventually, you think back on the storm and say, "that wasn't so bad" and you feel better knowing you weathered the storm. 

Life is full of storms. Some storms may be stronger than others, but no matter the size of them you will always make it through. Know that God will not put more on you than you can bare. And also understand that everything in life is temporary. Though it may seem as if you're going through the worst time of you life right now, know that you're not. Everything gets better in due time. BUT, you also have to work. God doesn't sit back and do all the work alone. He expects us, as his children, to put forth some effort and meet him halfway, he'll do the rest. 

Remember that your thoughts control your life. If you find yourself consumed with negative thoughts, you will lead a negative life. I cannot stress enough about how much being positive coincides with having a happy life. If you speak positivity into your life, positive things will happen. Speak prosperity into your life and you will be prosperous. 

Your current sufferings are nothing compared to the size of the blessings coming your way. The most important thing I want you to understand from this is: the worst times of your life are also the best times of your life, because they didn't break you, they made you. Know that you came out of this stronger than you went in. 

Write down 3 of your favorite (inspirational) quotes and recite them each morning when you wake, and each night before you sleep. Throughout your day speak positivity into your life. Whatever you want to see happen in your life, speak it into existence throughout the day. 

Your struggle ENDS with YOU! 


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