Monday, March 2, 2015

10 Steps To A More Confident YOU!

10 Steps to a More Confident YOU!

Confidence is something we all struggle with, especially now. The college years are where you find yourself and that can definitely be a rocky journey. You feel trapped between that awkward high school stage and the rapidly approaching young adult stage. Sometimes we step back and admire other girls thinking "when will I come into myself?" or "why am I not as beautiful as she?" or everyone's favorite line, "I'm too fat!" 
I'm by no means an expert, but I'm going to share a few tips with y'all that have helped me tremendously along the way. 
Remember, it's okay to feel awkward, you'll grow into yourself soon enough, TRUST ME. But for now just enjoy your college years and learn to love yourself along the way. 

1. Smile. 
It's so cliche', but I promise it works. You'd be surprised how many people enjoy seeing you smile. And not only does your smile affect others, it affects you as well. Whenever you're feeling down try smiling for at least 10 seconds. I know that sounds absolutely dumb and you'll be grinning like an idiot, but it'll definitely pick up your mood. 

2. Find something you love about yourself. 
One of the best ways to secure your confidence is to find something you love about yourself and nurture it. Say for instance if you really like your smile...wear a different color lip stick everyday. If you take pride in your hair (whether it's yours or some bomb Brazilian, Malaysian or Cambodian) try a different hairstyle for each day of the week. Monday you might try a simple pony, Tuesday try wearing it curly. Changing up your look is a sure way to stay confident. 

3. Post positive sticky notes. 
When I first realized it was time for me to start feeling better about myself I put quotes on index cards and placed them around my room. When I saw my roommate beginning to feel down about herself I posted little positive sticky notes around her room. Something as simple as walking into your bathroom and seeing 'You are beautiful' posted on your mirror could make such a huge difference in your day. 

4. Think positive. 
This is another one that seems pretty cliche' but it works. Instead of always comparing yourself to other girls, think about what sets you a part from them. Instead of calling yourself fat, tell yourself how good your ass look in a midi skirt. Look in the mirror everyday and tell yourself, "I am beautiful. I am a queen and no one's gonna stop my shine."

5. Do something you love.
Take time out to either do something you enjoy or nurture your craft. I love to eat, blog, and shop so whenever I find myself depressed that's the first thing I do. I'll either pig out on my favorite food, jump onto the computer, or head down to my favorite store and splurge. But no, seriously...find something you love to do and do it! Refocus all of that negative energy into something positive. Spend your time working towards your goals or career and see how happy it makes you. 

6. Surround yourself with positive people.
I CANNOT emphasize this one enough! If your friends are just as insecure and depressed as you are, y'all will not make it. You'll just be a bunch of ol' bitter (pardon my french) bitches that just sit around and talk about people. And NEWSFLASH, no one likes or wants to be that girl. So surround yourself with people that make you want to do better, people that are always happy and make you want to be just as positive as they are. 

7. Reward yourself. 
After a week of positive, more confident thinking take time to reward yourself. I always set goals for myself then pamper myself once reaching them. Sometimes I'll treat myself to ice cream, other times I'll buy new shoes, a new dress or new weave. (Lol, I'm not ashamed.) So take time to pamper yourself. When you look good, you feel even better. 

8. Exercise.
Everyone knows just how important this is! I cannot stress enough how much your well-being and health affects your attitude. After a great workout you feel hella good right? Not only mentally, but physically as well. So get up and go work out even if you only dedicate 30 minutes out of your day to do so. 

9. Stand tall and keep your head up.
Confidence isn't just all internal, it's external as well. You can tell yourself all day how beautiful you think you are, but it has to reflect on the outside as well. You know the saying, "shoulders back, show the rack" well honey, I live by that one. Not to flaunt my already breasts, but seriously because confidence radiates off of you when you do that. If you walk with your shoulders back and your head held high, people will walk past you and think "that girl is confident as hell" and there's nothing sexier than a confident woman. 

10. Dress up & show out. 
I have to tell my roommate all the time, "get up and get dressed." One quote I live by is "look good, feel better". When you take the time out to put on clothes, do your make up and style your hair you'll be surprised how good you feel about yourself. It's easy to throw on sweats or jeans and a t-shirt when you're feeling down. But when you stop and take the time out to get yourself together your mood takes a complete 180. So next time you think about leaving the house looking bummish, turn around and snatch yourself together, baby! 

1 comment:

  1. # 6 so true. No one wants to be around a Negative Nancy, Debbie Downer, Messy Essie, or a Betty Bitch all the time, because it will rub off 😔
