I Graduated …
Ya Feel Me?
Hey gals! I know it’s been awhile since you all have heard from me, and it’s because I was off being great. Friday, May 6, 2016 I became an alumna of the amazing Troy University!
I finished off the semester strong with 4 A’s and 2 B’s. (I really wish it would’ve been all A’s, but it what it is!) Anyway, this post is all about everything I’ve learned my four years in college. I guess it’s kind of a college do & don’t list. So, let's get started!
- Make Friends
I know, I know when you first get to college you’re completely nervous about stepping out of your comfort zone and making friends, but trust me it’ll all be worth it! If you stay in a dorm try your best to get to know the girls on your floor. Maybe even host a room party the first weekend after classes. Pre-party mixers are a great way to make friends. And, you know what they say college friends are your life-long friends (well mine just so happen to be more like sisters).
- Stay focused
Transitioning into college life is a huge adjustment. It may take some time to get into the swing of things. It’s so easy to fall into a life of partying or sleeping in or cutting class, but do not forget why you’re here. You came to college to better yourself and receive a higher education. Never lose sight of your dreams.
- Go to parties
Look, I know this kind of contradicts my last point, but it is OK to party. Try your best not to OVER party, though. Parties are a great way to spread your wings and blossom into a social butterfly. Trust me it’ll be so worth it. So break out your freak ‘um dress with your favorite pair of (painful ass) shoes and show everyone what you’re made of!
- Get a job
Not everyone has the time to work in college, and not everyone has the luxury of getting work-study (jobs given to students through financial aid), but if you can GET A JOB! It’s so important to be able to prioritize and manage money within your first few years of college, so by the time you leave you’ll be set. Don’t overwork yourself though, understand that your school work comes first!
- Find yourself
College is the time to experiment (I don’t mean sexually) and discover what you love. It wasn’t until I was in my second year of college that I realized I wanted to be a radio talk show host and entrepreneur. I took the time through trial and error to find out what worked for me and what didn’t. Eventually, I stumbled across something that I loved and I began shamelessly chasing my dream.
- Graduate!
Not everyone makes it this far. I remember in my freshman orientation they said, “Look to your left and look to your right. The people you’re sitting next to right now most likely won’t be here next year.” And they were right. Some of them didn’t even make it to the next semester. Don’t let that be you. Make a plan, study, find time to enjoy yourself, but most of all stay focused and graduate!
- Lose your focus to boys
College boys are cute. They are way more mature than high school boys, but they run twice as much game. They’ve been around the block quite a few times and freshmen girls are, well… fresh meat. They are the lion and you are the prey girl. Guard your cookies, and know that no man is ever worth your education. Boys come and go, but your education is something no one can ever take from you! Trust me when the time is right God will send you someone just for you.
- Skip class
Some teachers don’t take attendance, but some do. If they do, GO TO CLASS. Trust me (I speak from experience) you do not want to fail a class due to failure to attend. It’s embarrassing and it’s honestly downright stupid. Get your lazy butt out of bed and GO TO CLASS!
- Eat at the cafe’ daily
The freshman 15 is real, and ladies it’s not fun! The cafe is so good, yes, I know but don’t get caught up in the hype. It’s definitely not worth losing your figure. I know it’s hard to eat healthy as a college student, but try to pick a healthy option at least twice a week. Also, workout regularly.
- Take your college experience for granted
College is an amazing place. I honestly would not trade my college years for the world. I laughed, I cried, I partied til I passed out, I passed classes, and I failed classes. I made friends and I lost friends, I developed a love for myself, and I found my passion, but most of all… I made it. The feeling is like no other!
You rock girl, go leave your mark on this world!
I love this great advice baby girl! So so so proud of you. Can't wait to see your next moves. I know they will be great. Keep that tip about boys in the next chapter of your life too lol.