8 Signs It's Time To Move On
As young adults this is probably one of the hardest things we have to do. We are so caught up in the familiarity of things and relationships that we often find it hard to break that cycle. But, dead relationships are poisonous. They have the potential to harm both parties and can ruin multiple relationships.
Let me use myself for an example. I kept up an unhealthy relationship that I knew was dead; all the warning signs were there, but I ignored them. Which in turn caused me to lose a great friend and also ruined other friendships.
Ladies, let's just be real for a second. We never want to hear what our friends have to say about our relationship, but sometimes they're actually right.
So if you wont take a step back to re-evaluate your current situation based off your friends advice, maybe some outside help will change your outlook.
1. He/she no longer texts back or answers your phone calls.
This one is pretty much self-explanatory. How many of us have actually called or text someone in anticipation of them answering and picking up things where you left off? It's never really happened that way right? Exactly. If this has happened to you recently maybe it's time for you to re-evaluate this relationship.
2. He/she has done something nonredeemable.
Now I'm sure everyone has their own definition of what's nonredeemable and what's not. So you know if your significant other has done something that you cannot forgive them for. Do not try to make excuses or force yourself to forgive them. If it doesn't feel right in your gut, then let it go. You'll be much happier afterwards.
3. You're more stressed and depressed than happy.
If you find yourself no longer happy with your relationship then it is probably time to move on. Now I don't mean if you're past the honeymoon stage and you want that stage back. I'm talking about if you find yourself feeling unhappy whenever your significant other is around or if everything they do upsets you. There is no need to drag out a dead relationship and lead the other person on. Just end it before things get ugly.
4. Trust is continuously broken.
Need I say more? If you can't trust em, leave em. It's as simple as that. Without trust a relationship is nothing...everyone knows this! Do not waste time or energy on someone that you cannot put your trust into. Let me talk to my ladies for a minute... often times we will quickly cut a female off for doing something to us that we can't seem to forgive, but we will take a guy back time and time again when they have proved themselves to be untrustworthy. What kind of sense does that make? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
5. You're always reminiscing of how things used to be.
Stop living in the past. The only way for you to move forward is to let go of everything behind you. If you constantly catch yourself saying, "when we first met it was like this..." or "I wish things were back to the way they were," it is probably time for you to re-evaluate your relationship. The past is the past for a reason. You can never fully grow if you keep allowing yourself to stay caught up in what used to be.
6. Your significant other expects you to change.
There is a difference in your significant other wanting you to change to help better you, and them wanting you to change because they don't like something about you. For example if a guy says, "baby I think you should stop drinking, because when you get drunk you harm yourself and those around you," he is clearly looking out for your well-being. But, if he says, "You should stop drinking because I don't like girls that drink," he is obviously trying to change you. This was the biggest problem for me. DO NOT settle for people who don't love you for who you are, because despite your flaws you are fearfully and wonderfully made, and you are made in His image.
7. You hope he/she will change or you try to justify their actions.
If you find yourself always making excuses for your significant other, it's probably time to just let it go. If you got more excuses for them than a person in the welfare line then it's time to re-evaluate your relationship. Never feel like you have justify someones wrong doing towards you. Just let them go and move on.
8. You're always hurt.
Love doesn't hurt. Well, at least not physically, mentally or emotionally. It should go without saying that if you're always feeling hurt then it's time to let go and move on. Take a moment to recover and get yourself together. No one is worth your tears and those that are won't make you use them.
love yourself