Your Business is YOUR Business
So let's get down to business. Your business is exactly that, YOUR business. Do y'all remember the childhood game telephone? You'd all sit in a circle and one person comes up with a saying in their head, they whisper it to the person next to them, and then so on and so forth. By the time it reaches the last person in the circle, they must repeat the phrase out loud. Whatever they say is almost NEVER anywhere remotely close to what was said in the beginning. Who knew such an innocent childhood game would apply to everyday adult situations?
Life is exactly like a game of telephone. You tell someone something about yourself, and then they repeat it to someone else. The person they tell repeats it to someone else, and before you know it the entire school knows your business. Only, the story has changed two or three times by the time it makes it back to you. This is one of the many consequences of telling people things that you were better off keeping to yourself.
Very seldom do we have friends that keep things to themselves. Keeping secrets are like a can of biscuits under pressure. I know that was a really crazy analogy, but it's true. When most people hear a secret, they are just dying to burst open and tell someone else. It's like an itch you can't scratch. Eventually, they'll get tired of holding it in, and go blab to someone. The person they told will have the same affliction, they'll want to tell someone as soon as they hear it. If you don't want something getting out the best thing you can do is keep it to yourself!
Head down to your local Walmart, and pick up a journal if you have to. Journaling is a great way to let out your frustrations. Write down any secrets, or whatever may be troubling you, inside your journal. That book will become your bestfriend, and you'll see how much easier it is to make it through the day. And, most importantly, you won't have to worry about your trusty journal ever spilling any of your deepest, darkest secrets. Unless of course someone comes in and steals it, then you're out of luck.
But, seriously find someone/something else to confide in other than those around you. Yes, friends have pretty good advice sometimes, but the truth is some may have a hard time keeping things to themselves. Confide in God, and talk to him when you find yourself needing someone to talk to. God knows your problems before you cast them to him, and he's just waiting on you to acknowledge them before he leads you to a solution. He will never betray your trust.
Love always,